Wednesday, September 21, 2011

steam punk city

Notes: This is one fourth of a menu that I'm working on for a most beloved coffee house at my alma mater. There will be zeppelins. Oh yes, there will be zeppelins.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

pig 05049

My graphic design boss introduced me to this is awesomely designed book by Christien Meindertsma that traces the uses and resources made from one particular pig, 05049. Meindertsma uses clever icons, graphics and smart design in this wonderfully and amazingly put together book. CHECK IT OUT. You won't regret it.

PIG 05049

The book spine has a yellow ear tag like the piggy would!

This is the table of contents. SO CLEVER!!

Droooooooooooooooool amazing layout design!

Monday, September 5, 2011

magic powers.

Gouache paint, ink, watercolor
Notes: Second piece in the robot series! He has magic powers!