Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Goauche paint, water color, ink
Notes: This robot will be a recurring character, because I love robots. I painted this during the weekend of hurricane Irene. Fortunately, my immediate neighborhood wasn't hit very hard. We only got some strong rains and blustery winds. But my thoughts and love go out to those that were hit harder.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

freelance piece for under the nile!

Notes: For this amazing company UNDER THE NILE, a 100% organic Egyptian cotton babies clothing and toy store! :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

august adventures!

Exploring Gowanus & Carroll Gardens in Brooklyn with TK!

The canals in Carroll Gardens, BK.

Visiting the MET to check out the Alexander McQueen exhibit. Then hanging out in TK's Aunt's pent haus in the upper west side with that ADORABLE dog.

Summer Streets with Steve! Every Saturday in August from 7am to 1pm, 4th Avenue is shut down and becomes as pedestrian/biker/rollerblading/skateboarding/etc. only lane, from the 70's to the BK Bridge. It's AWESOME.

Monday, August 8, 2011

a lonely sock.

a lonely sock. from bina santos on Vimeo.

8mm, socks
Notes: This short film is dedicated to lost socks everywhere. Thanks to Steve for being the boy that (SPOILER ALERT!) reunites the socks!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

old photographs.

I love old photographs. & I love making up stories about the people in them, based on context clues in the photo (ex. photo: trophy in the background. = story: he was a great basketball player back in the day...) and random fancies that pop in the ol' noggin (ex. ... because he could FLY).

Found photographs, pen, watercolor, tracing paper, watercolor paper
Notes: The watercolor images are old photograph subjects as well, that I traced over with tracing paper. None of the images are in fact related to each other. I just looked for images that could work together visually.

the butterfly counts not months.

Charcoal, pencil, sumi ink, paper
Notes: I have a strange attraction to the heart organ.

Monday, August 1, 2011

jared andrew schorr

My boyfriend just shared this link with me! What an amazing artist, specializing in paper cut outs! SO SO SO talented!! I am his new number one fan. In a non-stalkerish way, rest assured.


i need to change the video title but...

wait... from bina santos on Vimeo.

Cut out, stop motion, digital.
Notes: A video that I made my senior year in college. I really need to change the title...